You Don't Need Therapy. You Need Skills.
ATTN: Couples Longing for a Deeply Connected Partnership, without the time, energy, or $$$ for therapy...
Learn how to Stop Clashing & Start Connecting
Peacefully, Playfully & Passionately in this monthly couples skills group
Learn the skills people in amazing partnerships know and you need to create the deeply connected, authentic relationship you long for, so you can stop clashing and start connecting
Get support and advice to understand your own relationship patterns and start changing them for good
Feel more connected and less isolated in a community of other couples committed to change, who don't want to just badmouth their partners over a glass of wine, but also know there's work to do.
Join Linnea Logas, Feminist Therapist & Couples Connection Coach
one Sat/month for all this and more.
Sign up for more info, and to get on the waitlist!